I haven't been able to post lately, busy with work and football. It's been a bit cooler here, which is great. Ike missed us, but hit the Houston area hard. I work here, but we have a plant in Houston that has slight damage, but still no electricity, though they finally have phone service. A lot of roof damage and downed fences and trees for the north west Houston areas. The other side of Houston down to Galveston is really bad. Keep all the victims of Ike in your prayers.
Here is my Sky Watch Friday, this was the other evening looking out from my backyard, I was on my way out again, but took a few minutes to watch.
Check out other Sky watchers at the link to the right side. Everyone have a great weekend.
I took this as I was leaving the store in town. I really liked the way the rays came through the clouds. We're waiting on Hurricane Ike to make an appearance this weekend. Hopefully everyone will be safe.
Check out other skywatchers for some great pictures.
This sunrise caught my eye the other morning when I was on my way to the store. I actually pulled over on the side of the rode. I sat there a while in my car and enjoyed the show.
Check out other Sky watchers at the link provided. Have a great Friday!
One afternoon I couldn't find our dog Joey. He had gotten scared of the gunshots from the dove hunters. I finally found him in my daughters room on her bottom shelf. I guess he felt safe in here!